Tuesday, January 17, 2006

every day's a new day

They say January is more a marrying month in the Philippines than June...methinks it's a toss-up between December and January judging from the number of weddings I've sung for in the transition between '05 and '06 (this picture is not included in my sweeping generalisation of Filipino statistics; the wedding happened in November...). Suffice it to say that if it weren't for good ol' salabat I 'd be sounding like Mary Walter.

I'm still a sucker for nuptials, though; P snickers whenever he sees a tear welling up at the corner of my eye during the ceremony. E bakit ba? It's such a touching event, albeit nerve-wracking for those whom it's celebrated for; and I still marvel at the thought of it giving people a practically brand new life after an hour or so of singing, sacraments and shutter-controlled smiles.

Sigh. Such sweet traditions make me feel blessed to be young and alive in this period, in this world. Sana lang maabutan ko ito pag panahon ko na! =)

Thanks, Ina. =)

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